El Paso Tidbits
We hope these helpful procedures and “tidbits” will help to make your child’s experience both positive and productive. Thank you for supporting our school.
Children should arrive at school as near the actual starting time as possible. Please inquire about Latchkey if your child must arrive before starting time. School doors open on Monday at 8:50 and the day begins promptly at 9:10 with dismissal at 3:30. Students are NOT allowed to arrive earlier than 8:50 this year.
School Doors open on Tuesday-Friday at 7:50 and the day begins promptly at 8:10 with dismissal at 3:30.
Early Childhood
Tuesday-Friday: Morning class: 8:15 am–11:00 am
Tuesday-Friday: Afternoon class: 12:00 am–3:00 pm
School attendance is very important. Please try and schedule appointments after school hours. In addition, please plan your vacations around school vacation times. Many planned activities are "hands on" and cannot be made up when a student is gone.
If your child is gone for more than 1 hour in a school day, a half-day absence will be recorded.
Students are allowed to ride their bicycle to school. All bicycles should be parked in the bicycle racks in front of the school. No bicycles are to be ridden on the playground during school hours on school days. All bicycles should be walked to and from the street. Never ride bicycles on the sidewalk when arriving at school or leaving school. For safety reasons, scooters, rollerblades, skateboards and skates of any kind are not allowed.
A child riding a bicycle should know all the rules of the highway. Riders must observe the following rules:
- I will always ride one person to a bicycle.
- I will have my bicycle in good working condition.
- I will use hand signals.
- I will observe all traffic rules.
- I will ride single file.
- I will wear a helmet.
- I will make other arrangements to/from school if I have a musical instrument (instruments not allowed on bicycles if this creates a safety hazard).
Students not observing rules pertaining to bicycles will be required to leave bicycles at home.
Classroom Disruptions
It is important that classrooms are not interrupted during the school day for such things as students coming in late, leaving early, delivery of items to a student, or adults and preschool children waiting in the halls at the end of the day. If you have a message or something that needs to be delivered to your child, please stop by the school office. We will deliver the message to your child when the class schedule permits. If you are coming to pick up your child at the end of the day, please do not wait in the halls outside your child's classroom. This is a disruption to classes that are in session and it causes unnecessary hallway congestion. Please know that you are always welcome in your school and in your child's classroom. We just ask that at the end of the day, our halls be cleared for an orderly and safe dismissal.
Emergency Contacts
If someone other than the student’s parent/guardian will be checking them out of school during the day, we must have written notification from the parent/guardian. Students will not be released per phone notification. In case of an emergency, bad weather, etc. students will not be released to anyone other than a parent or the emergency contacts listed on the student enrollment form. Phone notification, again, will not be accepted. This will be strictly enforced. Please update your emergency contacts throughout the year as necessary.
It is expected that students will complete homework in a responsible, timely manner. Students are not allowed to call home for missing homework. When requesting homework for an ill child, please notify the school and allow as much time as possible for teachers to prepare the homework. Please send back all materials and textbooks when your child returns to school.
Inclement Weather/Critical Entrance
In the event of bad weather (snow & ice) our maintenance crew will try to make it out to every school before school starts and shovel one designated path for students. Due to the number of people that drop off students in our ½ Circle Drive, we have asked for maintenance to shovel the sidewalk from the ½ Circle Drive to the West Door where students enter. Please drop off students in the ½ Circle Drive or park and walk your child in when the weather is snow-packed or icy.
Late or Missing Assignments
All of us would agree that attendance at school and staying on task is critical to the development of skills and the attainment of academic objectives. However, due to illness or circumstances within the family, it may be necessary that children miss school. If a student is absent, the following guidelines apply:
- Arrangements must be made with the teacher concerning make up work several days in advance before the absence, if at all possible.
- If the assignment(s) is completed at home and returned upon arrival at school the following morning, it is still regarded as being "in on time."
- Teachers may request that in addition or in lieu of assignments missed at school, a daily written log/journal may be kept by the student.
- Due to prolonged absences, students may be required to give up free time (recess, etc.) in order to complete required Benchmark activities – which must be completed at school.
When borrowing a book, students will have their book scanned by a circulation system. If a book is lost or damaged, the student who checked out the book will pay the cost of the book. Upon leaving the district, if fines have not been repaid, records will be held until such fines are paid.
The media specialist will remind students who have overdue books. If a student does lose a book, the librarian should be notified. If a book is lost and a student pays for it, then finds the book, the student will be reimbursed the amount paid.
Students will be limited to the number of books that can be checked out at one time.
Lost and Found
Many articles of good clothing are placed in the "Lost and Found" box each year. Parents can help their children avoid such losses by carefully marking the child's name on any loose article for easy identification.
Overshoes and galoshes should be marked on the inside. Encourage your child to look for lost articles (lunch boxes, coats, etc.) in the "Lost and Found" box found in the lunchroom.
Lunch and Breakfast
Derby Public Schools provides a hot lunch/breakfast program for grades K5. A computer accountability system is used to track meal sales. Each student will have a personal "account". Any amount of money may be deposited into your child's account. When a student purchases a meal or milk, the computer automatically deducts the purchase from the account. Breakfast, lunch and milk prices will be posted at enrollment.
Applications for free or reduced price breakfast & lunches are available upon request. Students receiving free or reduced meals will go through the same process as other students. No one will know which students are receiving free or reduced meals.
A small pink notice will be sent home with your child when his/her account balance drops below $4.00. When this notice comes home please send money to the office the following morning. Meals will not be served on credit so please mark the days on your calendar and watch for the notice reminding you that money is due. Students are not allowed to call home if they have forgotten their money. Students may "charge" one meal each nine weeks. If a student forgets more than once in a nine-week period, an alternative meal will be provided.
Students may go to lunch with his/her parent. However, students are required to stay in class until their entire classroom leaves for lunch. Please do not ask to have your child excused early for lunch as this is a disruption to your child’s instruction and to the classroom. Please be sure to have your child back by the end of his/her designated lunch period.
With teacher approval, parents may send small, inexpensive treats for a child's birthday. The treats will be served during the day at the teacher's discretion. We ask that you do NOT bring cupcakes because of the mess. Thanks
Invitations to parties held at home will not be handed out at school. Please do not send invitations.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Reporting to parents is done on a regular quarterly basis. Report cards will be issued at the end of each nine-week period. In addition to the report card, two parent teacher conferences will be set up to meet personally with the parents.
El Paso’s Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
- Arrival:
- Monday: Doors unlock at 8:50 AM. for breakfast. Students report to their classroom or to the Cafeteria for Breakfast
- Tuesday-Friday: Doors unlock at 7:50. Students report to their classroom or to the Cafeteria for Breakfast.
- Dropping Students off in the morning:
- Drive slow and be aware of little ones walking into the school at ALL times.
- Buses will be unloading students in the Yellow Zone marked on Crestway.
- Cars are allowed to use the half circle drive in the morning to drop off students. The half circle drive is a one way. NO parking or passing is allowed in the half circle drive during morning drop off. If using the ½ circle drive, please have your child QUICKLY exit from the car onto the sidewalk. Do NOT use the ½ circle drive if you have to unload items for your child. Again drive slow and be patient.
- Supervision and crossing guards will be outside in the morning to help students cross the half circle drive and Crestway. PLEASE be mindful of crosswalks and help to supervise the children. DO NOT let them cross that street unsupervised.
- Dismissal:
- K-2nd grade parents will be on the right side (yellow lane). If your family has a 3rd-5th grade sibling, he/she will stand with their youngest sibling so parents can get all of their children at the same time.
- 3-5th grade students that do not have any K-2nd grade siblings will be on the left side (right lane).
- Each family will be asked to pull up to a cone where a staff member will look at their tag to be sure that all students are present to load into your vehicle.
- We are highly encouraging that parents use our parent pick up procedure to help with socially distancing. We DO NOT want parents parking and walking up to the school if possible.
- Bus Riders will head to the gym at 3:25 pm to wait for their bus to arrive.
- Walkers/Biker Riders will be escorted by a staff member at 3:28 pm to dismiss prior to dismissing car riders so that we can help our students get across streets safely.
Students are dismissed in the following order:
- Bus Students
- Walkers and Riders to their designated door
- Kindergarten students exit the school from the East door and stand on the east side of the school in the playground area.
- 1st and 2nd Grade students dismiss out of the front door closest to the office.
- 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade students dismiss out of the doors west of the office.
All students not picked up by 3:40 will be brought to the office.
*All students that have siblings are to exit out their designated door and report to the siblings door from outside the building.
Thank you in advance for following these expectations. We need the help of everyone! By adhering to the above guidelines, you can help us provide a safe and orderly environment for your child(ren).
ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL VIDEO - We no longer do the temperature checks.
After School Dismissal in the Event of Inclement Weather
Students will remain inside of the building and wait until the radio for the student to exit due to your arrival. We will use one lane for all K-5 grades and will have staff calling students to numbered cones as you pull up to the cones.
If you chose to pick up your child early on an inclement weather day you must sign them out at the office if it is prior to 3:30 dismissal.
Playground Supervision/Information
Whenever the weather permits, play periods are outside in the fresh air. Students should not be expected to go outside for recess when there is rain, sleet, or snow falling, the temperature or wind-chill index falls below 25°, or the principal determines that weather conditions other than those noted above are such that students should remain indoors (i.e. high winds, extreme heat, etc.). Please be sure your child is dressed appropriately for the season. Should your child have a health condition, which makes it necessary to limit strenuous activity, please provide his/her teacher with a doctor's permit.
Supervision is provided on the playground during recess and the lunch period. Teachers and/or playground paras are assigned supervisory duties for recess periods.
School Safety
Adult Check In All persons entering the building must first check into the office and pick up a badge. It is for your student's safety that we know at all times who is in the building and for what purpose. Upon leaving the building, please return your badge to the office and check out.
Fall Parties We encourage any parent/adult to participate and assist with the fall party. Because of our desire to identify all persons in the building, the wearing of masks or costumes which hide a person's face will not be allowed. Also there is to be no blood on the costumes.
Student Check-In/Check-Out - Parents are requested to check-in and/or check-out their child when arriving late or leaving early. The check-in sheet is on the clipboard in the school office. When leaving for an appointment, students will be called from class once their parent has arrived for checkout.
Use of Telephone by Students
Students will be called to the telephone only in cases of emergency. Messages will be given to students when necessary. Students will not be allowed to use the telephone to call out unless it is absolutely necessary. The school lines need to be kept open for important calls.
Cell Phones
Students can have cell phones but they need to be kept and remain in their bags during school hours of 7:50-3:30. Cell phones will be turned into Ms. Wagner if a students is using them during school hours.
Ways Parents Can Help
- Label your children's clothes.
- Label all other items such as lunch pails, etc.
- Send your children off on a good note.
- Take an interest in their schoolwork. Please check your child's homework folder (K-3) and assignment book (grades 3-5) on a daily basis.
- Be involved.
- Be certain there is always someone the school can reach in case of an emergency.
- Attend conferences, programs, etc.
- Notify the school office if you ever change addresses, phone numbers or place of employment.
- If there is ever a problem concerning the school, call us immediately.
- Remind your children to observe safety practices when using the playground equipment after school and on weekends.
- Remind your children daily to observe safety practices when crossing streets. They should use crossings whenever possible.
- If you plan to withdraw your children from El Paso School, please give us as much notice as possible.
- Please notify the school ahead of time (a note is fine) if your child will be leaving early for an appointment. However, please try and schedule appointments before or after school.
- Plan family vacations at a time when school is NOT in session.
- Please notify the school office when your child is ill.
- If your child has been ill and you have picked up homework, please be sure to send all materials (including any unfinished work) back to school with your child.